JavaScript Syntax Sugar for Shorter Stuff

Please forgive the somewhat alliterative title of this post.

From: Raymond Camden

Adding Caching to a Cloudflare Worker

Last week I blogged about my first experience building a Cloudflare Worker serverless function.

From: Raymond Camden

I Know What You Did Last Summer (With Glitch and Cloudflare)

Every now and then I get a dumb little idea, and too often, I turn those dumb ideas into little web toys.

From: Raymond Camden

Learn about the Photoshop API Next Week

Next week, Tuesday August 8 at 11AM CST, I'll be giving a free, online presentation at CFE.

From: Raymond Camden

Styling Ionic Components in Angular with CSS Parts

I've been playing around with Ionic and Angular, and thought I'd share some experiences I had while trying to apply custom styles to Ionic Components. This video experiments with using CSS Parts to apply custom styles:

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Building a Basic (Pirate) API Wrapper with Cloudflare Workers

I've been playing with Cloudflare Workers the past few weeks, and while I've had a few technical issues here and there, I've been really impressed with the developer experience overall and just how powerful the platform is.

From: Raymond Camden

Update for My Subscribers

Hey folks, forgive the quick note.

From: Raymond Camden

Links For You

A quick links post today as I'm on vacation with my family in Saint Louis.

From: Raymond Camden

Styling Ionic Components in Angular with CSS Variables

I've been playing around with Ionic and Angular, and thought I'd share some experiences I had while trying to apply custom styles to Ionic Components. This one experiments with using CSS Variables to apply the styles:

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

MDN Ads are actually really nice

Embedded advertisements get a bad rap.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Alpine.js and Form Fields

A few years back, I wrote up a detailed blog post on how Vue.

From: Raymond Camden

Links For You

Hello readers.

From: Raymond Camden

Using the Adobe Photoshop API with ColdFusion

So yeah, I used to blog quite a bit on ColdFusion (if you want, you can peruse the three thousand posts here), but it's been a while since I've really written any CFML.

From: Raymond Camden

Using PDFs with Algolia and Adobe PDF Extract API

Over two years ago, I wrote an example of how to add PDF search to your Jamstack site, "Using PDFS with the Jamstack - Adding Search with Text Extraction".

From: Raymond Camden

Want to learn Alpine.js?

For the past two weeks or so, I've been releasing videos on YouTube all about learning Alpine.

From: Raymond Camden

Threads vs Twitter - A New Challenger Approaches

So, what makes this so interesting? There's already been hundreds of twitter competitors that have come and gone in the months since Musk took over the blue bird app.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Creating a Blackjack Game with Alpine.js and the Deck of Cards API

Some time ago I ran across a pretty fascinating service, the Deck of Cards API.

From: Raymond Camden

Links For You

So yeah, I know my last post was just a link, but I promise the post after this will be actual new content, not just me sharing stuff.

From: Raymond Camden

Algolia DevCon 2023 Videos

Normally I save links for the "Links for You" post I do a few times a month, but as I've been a bit quiet here recently (most of my side work has been on my Alpine.

From: Raymond Camden