What is going wrong on the Spring Boot View Layer?

What is going wrong on the Spring Boot View Layer?

From: Dan Vega

Spring Boot 2.0 Roadmap

Spring Boot 2.0 Roadmap

From: Dan Vega

How do you Define Success as a Software Developer

How do you Define Success as a Software Developer

From: Dan Vega

What is JHipster & Why you need to start using it today!

What is JHipster & Why you need to start using it today!

From: Dan Vega

Getting Started with Java 9

Getting Started with Java 9

From: Dan Vega

Inserting a Groovy Date into a Time Stamp Column

Inserting a Groovy Date into a Timestamp Column

From: Dan Vega

The mathematical principles of management

I've read about 100 management books by now but if there's something that always bothered me it's the lack of first principles thinking.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Spring Boot Command Line Runner

Spring Boot Command Line Runner

From: Dan Vega

Java: What is the difference between equals and ==

Java: What is the difference between equals and ==

From: Dan Vega

2,000 Subscribers on YouTube!!

2,000 Subscribers on YouTube!!

From: Dan Vega

Using Project Lombok in your Spring Boot Project

Using Project Lombok in your Spring Boot Project

From: Dan Vega

Spring Stereotype Annotations

Spring Stereotype Annotations

From: Dan Vega

Spring Boot Convention Based Error Pages

Spring Boot Convention Based Error Pages

From: Dan Vega

Spring Boot Entity Scan

Spring Boot Entity Scan

From: Dan Vega

The eigenvector of "Why we moved from language X to language Y"

I was reading yet another blog post titled “Why our team moved from <language X> to <language Y>” (I forgot which one) and I started wondering if you can generalize it a bit. Is it possible to generate a N * N contingency table of moving from language X to language Y?

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Why I went into the mortgage industry

I just realized last Thursday that I have spent two full years at Better, incidentally on the same day as we announced a $15M round led by Kleiner Perkins. So it was a good point to reflect a bit and think back – what the F led me to abandon my role managing the machine learning team at Spotify?

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Language pitch

Here's a fun analysis that I did of the pitch (aka.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

seancorfield/boot-new has moved to boot/new

I'm pleased to announce that the "Boot new" task formerly known as seancorfield/boot-new has moved to the Boot organization, as boot-clj/boot-new and that the group/artifact ID is now boot/new.You can use this to easily create a new Boot-based project:

From: Sean Corfield: An Architect's View

Functional programming is the libertarianism of software engineering

This is a pretty dumb post, in which I argue that functional programming has a lot of the bad parts of libertarianism and a lot of the good parts: Both ideologies strive to eliminate [the] state.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

The half-life of code & the ship of Theseus

As a project evolves, does the new code just add on top of the old code? Or does it replace the old code slowly over time? In order to understand this, I built a little thing to analyze Git projects, with help from the formidable GitPython project.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Are data sets the new server rooms?

This blog post Data sets are the new server rooms makes the point that a bunch of companies raise a ton of money to go get really proprietary awesome data as a competitive moat. Because once you have the data, you can build a better product, and no one can copy it (at least not very cheaply).

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Pareto efficency

Pareto efficiency is a useful concept I like to think about. It often comes up when you compare items on multiple dimensions. Say you want to buy a new TV. To simplify it let's assume you only care about two factors: price and quality.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

How I Made $20,000 in my Sleep

In this article I hope to inspire you to take action now!

From: Dan Vega

Tech Elevator Meetup Summary

A summary of the panel I was asked to be on at Tech Elevator.

From: Dan Vega

State drift

I generally haven't written much about software architecture.

From: Erik Bernhardsson