Dynamically Swapping Input / Keyboard InputMode On iOS

Ben Nadel looks at switching from the iOS Numeric keyboard to the Text keyboard by dynamically changing the inputmode of the Input control....

From: Ben Nadel

Want to learn Alpine.js?

For the past two weeks or so, I've been releasing videos on YouTube all about learning Alpine.

From: Raymond Camden

Adobe ColdFusion Returns NULL Dates As NULL When Using CFQuery ReturnType "Array"

Ben Nadel demonstrates that Adobe ColdFusion returns NULL dates as NULL values when using the returnType="Array" behavior in the CFQuery tag....

From: Ben Nadel

Threads vs Twitter - A New Challenger Approaches

So, what makes this so interesting? There's already been hundreds of twitter competitors that have come and gone in the months since Musk took over the blue bird app.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Always Include Charset With fileRead() In ColdFusion

Ben Nadel fixes a character encoding bug in his ColdFusion code by including the charset argument in his fileRead() function call....

From: Ben Nadel

Working Code Podcast - Episode 134: Ben Goes To A Conference

Ben Nadel and the crew talk about the CFCamp ColdFusion conference in Munich, Germany....

From: Ben Nadel

Creating a Blackjack Game with Alpine.js and the Deck of Cards API

Some time ago I ran across a pretty fascinating service, the Deck of Cards API.

From: Raymond Camden

On ColdFusion, AES, and Padding Oracle Attacks: Hic Sunt Dracones

TL; DR: If you use AES-CBC (or another block cipher operating in CBC mode) to decrypt user-controlled ciphertext, validate the ciphertext with an HMAC or similar integrity check prior to decryption to avoid Padding Oracle vulnerabilities.

From: Hoya Haxa - A Security Research Blog

Links For You

So yeah, I know my last post was just a link, but I promise the post after this will be actual new content, not just me sharing stuff.

From: Raymond Camden

Algolia DevCon 2023 Videos

Normally I save links for the "Links for You" post I do a few times a month, but as I've been a bit quiet here recently (most of my side work has been on my Alpine.

From: Raymond Camden

Deploying Spring Boot 3 Applications to AWS Lambda

Welcome to this detailed and comprehensive blog post about deploying Spring Boot applications to AWS Lambda! If you've been searching for a solution to hosting your personal Spring Boot projects without breaking the bank, you're in the right place.

From: Dan Vega

Deploying Spring Boot 3 Applications to AWS Lambda

Discover effective solutions for hosting your personal spring boot projects without hefty costs. Boost your skills with Dan Vega, your spring developer advocate, while exploring the capabilities of AWS Lambda.

From: Dan Vega

Long-Term Funding, Update #3

In my previous Long-Term Funding update I said I would review/overhaul the Libraries pages (both authoring and the directory) and write the tools.

From: Sean Corfield: An Architect's View

Working Code Podcast - Episode 133: The Final Stretch

Ben Nadel and the crew talk why finishing a project feels so hard; and, what we can do to get our projects across the finish line....

From: Ben Nadel

Adobe ColdFusion Log Verboseness

Server logs in ColdFusion are a must-have resource to help you tune, monitor, and troubleshoot your servers.

From: Chris Tierney

Rogue Engine & JS Game Development

Those who have been following me for a while might know that while I'm no game developer, much like 90% of all other web devs, game development was my starting goal for getting into programming.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Working Code Podcast - Episode 132: Virtual Reality

Ben Nadel and the crew talk about Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in the wake of Apple's new Vision Pro release....

From: Ben Nadel

Code Kata: Compacting Arrays In ColdFusion

Ben Nadel demonstrates how to compact an array in ColdFusion. That is, to remove the undefined values / indices....

From: Ben Nadel

An Ode to the Intel Mac

The general advice is that a computer should last between 2 and 4 years.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Creating Bootstrap WebC Components in Eleventy

For some time now as I've explored web components, it's occurred to me that web components could be a great way to make working with Bootstrap simpler.

From: Raymond Camden