New Year - New Server - New Direction?
What happened with the blog and whats next
What happened with the blog and whats next
We're using RabbitMQ and its Web Stomp plugin for websockets for several projects at work.
From: Coders Revolution
At World Singles Networks llc we have been using a monorepo for several years and it has taken us several iterations to settle on a structure that works well with the Clojure CLI and deps.
A few days ago, Joseph Lamoree posted about a cool little command line tool he wrote in Python that would scan a list of servers check check for a public facing administrator.
From: Coders Revolution
In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to build a full-stack application that uses Vue for the frontend and Spring Boot for the backend.
From: Dan Vega
Here's a quick one that I tried out for the first time today.
From: Coders Revolution
In this tutorial, I will show you can force a delay in a web application for testing purposes.
From: Dan Vega
In this article, I have some exciting personal news to share and I want to take a look ahead at the new year.
From: Dan Vega
In this tutorial I will show you how you can test standard in and out in Java.
From: Dan Vega
It's a popular attitude among developers to rant about our tools and how broken things are.
From: Erik Bernhardsson
Our friend and colleague Wil passed away a few days ago after a hard-fought battle with cancer.
From: ColdFusion Muse
For about a decade, I used to speak regularly at conferences and user groups around the world. In 2013, I decided to take a break and just enjoy attending events (here's a small selection of my presentations covering the last three years of that decade).
This week, I’m speaking at the ColdFusion Summit 2020 about “Building Serverless ColdFusion Applications with cflambda.
From: Brian Klaas
I've written before about how I switched from Emacs to Atom at the end of 2016, where I initially used ProtoREPL (which is no longer maintained) and then I switched to Chlorine at the end of 2018.
seancorfield/next.jdbc 1.1.610Updated 2022-09-12 to clarify camel-snake-kebab usage in more recent next.jdbc versions.
I spent a ton of time looking at different software providers, both as a CTO, and as a nerd “advanced” consumer who builds stuff in my spare time. In the last 10 years, there has been an order of magnitude more products that cater directly to developers, through APIs, SDKs, and tooling.
From: Erik Bernhardsson
We live in a year of about 350,000 amateur epidemiologists and I have no desire to join that “club”. But I read something about COVID-19 deaths that I thought was interesting and wanted to see if I could replicated it through data.
From: Erik Bernhardsson
Share this snippet from my archives for adding a JQuery Validate rule which disallows any date greater than today
One of the really great features of CFML is the ability to run SQL against a result set in memory.
From: Coders Revolution
Here's a quick way to populate a table column with an incrementing value in sql server.
While not a great idea, it is possible (at least in SQL Server) to order on a column by its numeric column number in the query.
Expanding on last weeks article about finding the most recent entry in each group we can apply the same technique to delete duplicate database entries while keeping the first original entry.
Thanks to the amazing Charlie Arehart for hosting me on last week’s CFMeetup.
From: Brian Klaas
To get the most recent entry for each named group within a sql server table table use partition and number rows by group as follows...
In the last post in this series, we looked at how to add tags to an object uploaded to S3 via the AWS Java SDK. What if you need to change those tags? Are tags the only way to add metadata to objects in S3? Let’s file out.
From: Brian Klaas