We are still early with the cloud: why software development is overdue for a change

This is is in many respects a successor to a blog post I wrote last year about what I want from software infrastructure, but the ideas morphed in my head into something sort of wider.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Rerunnable data update scripts for Microsoft SQL Server

We can implement a SQL Server equivalent of MySQL/MariaDB's "INSERT IGNORE" using MERGE INTO as follows...

From: Steve Neiland: Blog of a Web Developer

Adding validation drop-downs to your spreadsheets with CFML

The Spreadsheet CFML library now supports adding validation drop-downs to cells programmatically.

From: cfSimplicity

Rerunnable Data Update Scripts for MySQL/MariaDB

Using the INSERT IGNORE statement you can easily manage reference table's data using re-runnable sql scripts.

From: Steve Neiland: Blog of a Web Developer

Slides from ColdFusion Summit 2022 - "Below the Surface: Web Vulnerabilities Hiding in your Applications"

Photo credit: @coldfumonkehI attended my first CFSummit, where I talked about a handful of web vulnerability classes (SSRF, Session Puzzles, Cryptography flaws, and XML attacks) that might be overlooked by some ColdFusion/CFML developers.

From: Hoya Haxa - A Security Research Blog

Spring Boot REST API Domain Class Converter

In this tutorial, you will learn about a class called the Domain Class Converter in Spring Data. This class will allow you to take arbitrary input like an id from a path variable in a REST API and automatically create a domain object by using Spring Data's CrudRepository.

From: Dan Vega

How to Secure your REST APIs with Spring Security & JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to secure REST APIs with Spring Security and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

From: Dan Vega

Reading large spreadsheets with Lucee

The Spreadsheet CFML library now supports reading large spreadsheets via streaming.

From: cfSimplicity

Slides and Recording from My ColdFusion Developer Week Presentation on Advanced Features of S3

I’m grateful that I’ve spoken at Adobe’s ColdFusion Developer Week over the years.

From: Brian Klaas

Henry II on Vacation - Why Teams Matter

There are thousands of applications built by one brilliant programmer.

From: ColdFusion Muse

Fixing problems using spreadsheet-CFML on Linux

Out of the box, some Linux builds are missing components needed to generate spreadsheets.

From: cfSimplicity

Wiki.js Active Directory Authentication Configuration

I have recently taken the opportunity to explore Wiki.

From: Chris Tierney

GraphQL Spring Boot - Up and Running with Spring for GraphQL

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to get up and running with Spring for GraphQL.

From: Dan Vega

Spring Data JPA Pagination

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to work with pagination in Spring Data JPA.

From: Dan Vega

Spring Boot @Value Annotation

A brief introduction to the @Value annotation in Spring Boot.

From: Dan Vega

React + Typescript - have skills will pay ;)

We are currently looking for someone with great react skills and good to great typescript skills.

From: ColdFusion Muse

Preventing Windows Ubuntu Dual Boot Superblock Corruption

Whenever I switch to ubuntu from windows on my dual boot system I get an error that the superblock is corrupt and I cannot load ubuntu until I fix the corruption using the command line. The issue appears to be windows messing from the ext4 partition.

From: Steve Neiland: Blog of a Web Developer

Not Your Dad's ColdFusion Shop Anymore

If you have been in the CF world for more than a minute you have heard of CF Webtools (CFWT).

From: ColdFusion Muse

σ-driven project management: when is the optimal time to give up?

Hi! It's your friendly project management theorician. You might remember me from blog posts such as Why software projects take longer than you think, which is a blog post I wrote a long time ago positing that software projects completion time follow a log-normal distribution.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Reactionary ColdFusion Programmers Needed

If you know who we are then you know we try to be all things CF to all people.

From: ColdFusion Muse

Im Joining VMware

I'm so excited to announce that I am joining VMware as a Spring Developer Advocate!

From: Dan Vega

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year! I want to take a few minutes and reflect on the year that was 2021 and look ahead to 2022.

From: Dan Vega