How to change the default Java in API Manager

The ColdFusion API Manager typically comes with default Java versions (1.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

How to change the default Java in API Manager

The ColdFusion API Manager typically comes with default Java versions (1.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Saml Generated P12 Cert password

ColdFusion 2021 Saml SSO setup with cert

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Saml Generated P12 Cert password

ColdFusion 2021 Saml SSO setup with cert

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

RELEASED- ColdFusion 2023 and 2021 June 11th, 2024 Security Updates

We are pleased to announce that we have released security updates to ColdFusion (2023 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 14.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

RELEASED- ColdFusion 2023 and 2021 June 11th, 2024 Security Updates

We are pleased to announce that we have released security updates to ColdFusion (2023 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 14.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

ColdFusion 2018 Datasource connects with AD Credentials

Anyone know how to setup a Datasource connection to a MS SQL Server 2016 using Active Directory credentials with CF 2018 enterprise version? Currently we use DB credentials but the business is moving away from that and wants more secure AD account connections.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

ColdFusion 2018 Datasource connects with AD Credentials

Anyone know how to setup a Datasource connection to a MS SQL Server 2016 using Active Directory credentials with CF 2018 enterprise version? Currently we use DB credentials but the business is moving away from that and wants more secure AD account connections.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Thread management with JDK21 – what’s changing and features to look forward to

JDK21 introduces a bunch of useful functionalities around thread management such as virtual thread but it also changes things with regards to thread.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs


Hello, I am working on integrating UPS REST API and getting error message: {"response":{"errors":[{"code":"110609","message":"All package dimensions are required and each must be greater than 0 for package 1.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Thread management with JDK21 – what’s changing and features to look forward to

JDK21 introduces a bunch of useful functionalities around thread management such as virtual thread but it also changes things with regards to thread.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs


Hello, I am working on integrating UPS REST API and getting error message: {"response":{"errors":[{"code":"110609","message":"All package dimensions are required and each must be greater than 0 for package 1.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Changing the Default Webroot in ColdFusion

The ColdFusion comes with the default Webroot(\<cf_home>\cfusion\wwwroot); however, there are situations where you may need to customize this Webroot directory and point it to a different folder.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Changing the Default Webroot in ColdFusion

The ColdFusion comes with the default Webroot(\<cf_home>\cfusion\wwwroot); however, there are situations where you may need to customize this Webroot directory and point it to a different folder.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

ColdFusion has Jumped the Shark

I’ve been programming in ColdFusion for the past 20+ years or so and its time to move on.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

ColdFusion has Jumped the Shark

I’ve been programming in ColdFusion for the past 20+ years or so and its time to move on.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Using Sub Domains with IIS and ColdFusion 2023

I am struggling to get my websites up and running using sub domains.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Using Sub Domains with IIS and ColdFusion 2023

I am struggling to get my websites up and running using sub domains.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

ColdFusion 2018 Lockdown Tool

ColdFusion 2018 Lockdown Tool Issues

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

ColdFusion 2018 Lockdown Tool

ColdFusion 2018 Lockdown Tool Issues

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Very old ColdFusion version suddenly adding spaces to CFIMAGE URL’s

We have a site using coldfusion that is supposed to display images that are pulled from a shared drive.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Very old ColdFusion version suddenly adding spaces to CFIMAGE URL’s

We have a site using coldfusion that is supposed to display images that are pulled from a shared drive.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Quick Fix for PDFg Service Authentication error after ColdFusion Migration

You may have encountered a scenario where the PDFg service fails after running the migration wizard in ColdFusion and may have noticed the below error message in the logs.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

How to Change the Default Solr Home Path in ColdFusion

Sometimes, there are instances where you might need to customize the default Solr configuration, such as changing the default Solr home path.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Quick Fix for PDFg Service Authentication error after ColdFusion Migration

You may have encountered a scenario where the PDFg service fails after running the migration wizard in ColdFusion and may have noticed the below error message in the logs.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

How to Change the Default Solr Home Path in ColdFusion

Sometimes, there are instances where you might need to customize the default Solr configuration, such as changing the default Solr home path.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs