Come learn “How the Adobe CF Docker Images Have Evolved”, launching CF Summit online

The first session for the Adobe ColdFusion Summit Online has been announced.

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Enabling CF to switch to using Java’s regex engine

If you may ever encounter problems trying to use regular expressions in CFML (which are actually PERL regex’s), did you know that you can tell CF to use Java regex’s instead? This has been possible since 2019, but you could have missed when the change was introduced via CF2018 update 5 i...

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs

Join Adobe for “ColdFusion Summit Online”, re-presenting sessions over the next several weeks

[Posted Nov 1, 2022; Updated Nov 10th and 4th, 2022] Adobe announced Nov 1 that the “ColdFusion Summit Online” would begin soon, where they would be having presenters offer their sessions again from the CF Summit last month, to be live-streamed and recorded (since that couldn’t be ...

From: Adobe Coldfusion Blogs