mikevdv.dev - What I'd do differently

I write a large number of articles which I never end up publishing for various reasons.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Promise.withResolvers in JavaScript

Let me know if you've heard this one before.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Daily Group Code Reviews - Increasing Efficiency

While many junior Devs struggle with code reviews, both when performing and receiving them, I've found that even the more senior team members sometimes struggle with comments left on their code.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Domain Expiration - A Reminder

Yesterday around mid-day, mikevdv.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Apple going to intentionally kneecap the web: PWAs

Remember the days that Apple used to pitch itself as David in the David and Goliath stories? Well, over the years, the tables have turned as safari has become like the IE of Old. Apple, in a short number of days, are going to intentionally kill off PWA support.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

CORS & Traefik in TrueNas Scale with TrueCharts

I've been building a homelab in my free time over recent months (alongside improving my smart home and building the next itteration of this blog).

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

MDN Ads are actually really nice

Embedded advertisements get a bad rap.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Threads vs Twitter - A New Challenger Approaches

So, what makes this so interesting? There's already been hundreds of twitter competitors that have come and gone in the months since Musk took over the blue bird app.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

Rogue Engine & JS Game Development

Those who have been following me for a while might know that while I'm no game developer, much like 90% of all other web devs, game development was my starting goal for getting into programming.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden

An Ode to the Intel Mac

The general advice is that a computer should last between 2 and 4 years.

From: Michael Walter Van Der Velden