React Tic Tac To Expansion: Toggle History Direction
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to make the current move a text display instead of a button. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
A bit earlier I wrote about creating a Docker Image and it trying to interpret the line endings as a command to run inside the docker image.
From: Jeffry Houser's Blog
I write a large number of articles which I never end up publishing for various reasons.
I write a large number of articles which I never end up publishing for various reasons.
As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I was able to get something half-decent working in a couple of hours.
From: Erik Bernhardsson
As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I was able to get something half-decent working in a couple of hours.
From: Erik Bernhardsson
Let me know if you've heard this one before.
Let me know if you've heard this one before.
While many junior Devs struggle with code reviews, both when performing and receiving them, I've found that even the more senior team members sometimes struggle with comments left on their code.
While many junior Devs struggle with code reviews, both when performing and receiving them, I've found that even the more senior team members sometimes struggle with comments left on their code.
Yesterday around mid-day, mikevdv.
Yesterday around mid-day, mikevdv.
Remember the days that Apple used to pitch itself as David in the David and Goliath stories? Well, over the years, the tables have turned as safari has become like the IE of Old. Apple, in a short number of days, are going to intentionally kill off PWA support.
Remember the days that Apple used to pitch itself as David in the David and Goliath stories? Well, over the years, the tables have turned as safari has become like the IE of Old. Apple, in a short number of days, are going to intentionally kill off PWA support.
CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out various ways for infiltrators to ruin productivity of a company. Some of the advice is timeless, for instance the section about “General interference with Organizations and Production”:
From: Erik Bernhardsson
CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out various ways for infiltrators to ruin productivity of a company. Some of the advice is timeless, for instance the section about “General interference with Organizations and Production”:
From: Erik Bernhardsson
I've been building a homelab in my free time over recent months (alongside improving my smart home and building the next itteration of this blog).
I've been building a homelab in my free time over recent months (alongside improving my smart home and building the next itteration of this blog).
Embedded advertisements get a bad rap.
Embedded advertisements get a bad rap.