How to solve common problems with applying ColdFusion updates

You want to apply some update to your current version of CF.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

New whitepapers from Adobe on ColdFusion 2016: lockdown, migration, and performance

Continuing my series of posts on new things in CF2016 which some may miss,there are some new resources from Adobe about CF 2016, posted in recent days.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

The ColdFusion 'metrics log', an oft-missed or misunderstood feature, 'new' since CF10 (Part 1)

I'd like to take a diversion from my recent posts focused on CF2016 and talk about something that applies (and should interest) anyone using CF 10, 11, or 2016.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

ColdFusion 2016: Changes in the CF Administrator

As folks continue to explore ColdFusion (2016 Release), aka CF2016, regarding what's new or changed, I thought I'd put together a listing of what has changed in the CF Admin specifically. This is another in a series of posts I started last week on CF2016. [More]

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Released today: CF2016, or 'ColdFusion (2016 release)'. What's new, and more

If you're not following the Adobe CF team blog, you may have missed the announcement there today of the newest version of CF, ColdFusion 2016.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Monitoring ColdFusion web server connectors, more on Tomcat 'Status Workers'

If you're running CF 10 or above, there was a very interesting post on the Adobe CF blog, from July 19 2015, entitled, Configuring Status Worker in Connectors.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

CF911: Help, How do I connect sites to a new instance w/ the ColdFusion 10/11 webserver config tool?

This one causes a lot of heartburn for folks: you add a new instance in CF10 or 11 (in editions other than Standard, which do support adding instances), and you find that you can't seem to have the web server configuration tool (wsconfig) connect sites to that new instance(s).

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Free, simple code to find out what SQL statements are running slow in SQL Server right now

Often when people are trying to troubleshoot seeming problems in ColdFusion (or whatever app server you may use), they may wonder if (or have tools which suggest that) their CF requests are being held up waiting for a query to run in the database, which seems hung up.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Solving slow CF startup: my elaborating on an Adobe blog entry on a possible solution

The fine folks at the Adobe CF blog posted a blog entry today, on "Sometimes ColdFusion services refuse to start normally post server restart" (by Rahul Upadhyay), which offers some helpful information on one possible solution to the stated problem of slow CF startup.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Find ColdFusion installers, updates, hotfixes, and docs for all recent releases at

This won't be new info for some, but many folks remain confused by the fact, that after Adobe release their current latest ColdFusion version, they no longer offer the previous versions(s) on their public-facing Adobe site.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

New updates for Coldfusion 11, 10, and 9 (security update for 9, 11; still more for 10)

If you'd not heard the news, there were several updates released today, for CF 11, 10, and 9.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

My presentations at ColdFusion Summit, CFCamp, etc.

I wanted to share word here of the presentations I'll be offering at the upcoming Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2014 in Vegas on Oct 16-17, as well as CFCamp 2014 in Munich on Oct 20-21.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

CF911: High CPU in ColdFusion? Some common but perhaps unexpected causes

I often help people who are reporting that CF is "running hot on the CPU", maybe reaching 80 or even 100% of the CPU, whether in spikes or for extended periods.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

ColdFusion Lockdown/Security guides: there are several, and some you may have missed

While helping people with various problems in my CF server troubleshooting services, I often have the chance to help people identify security vulnerabilities, especially in their configuration of CF and/or their web server, and sometimes related to their code.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Note that ColdFusion 10 Update 13 is "needed" for OS X-only...and some confusion

Some of you may have seen that Adobe released a new hotfix for ColdFusion 10 last night, called Update 13.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Still more reasons to make sure you have updated your ColdFusion 10 web server connector

Several weeks ago, I did an entry, CF911: Why/when you MUST update the web server connector for #ColdFusion 10, and may have missed it.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

CF911: Why/when you MUST update the web server connector for ColdFusion 10/11 and may have missed it

Have you installed or updated CF10 (or 11) and found that you still have problems with it running right, even when you have "fully updated" CF10? In this blog entry, I explain how it may NOT be that "CF 10 is broken" but rather that you may have missed an important step when updating it.

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

ColdFusion 10 WACK book contributors (myself included) now listed at Amazon

By now most should know that a new CF10 version of the classic Web Application Construction Kit (or WACK) series was released some months ago: Adobe ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit: ColdFusion 10 Enhancements and Improvements But some may not have known who the contributors were, becau...

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting

Speaking at Atlanta ColdFusion User Group tonight on 2 important topics

Just wanted to note that I'll be speaking tonight at the Atlanta CFUG on two important topics: Updating/Hotfixing #ColdFusion 10, 9 and 8: Tips and Traps Locking down the #ColdFusion Administrator: Your First Line of Defense Against Hackers For more details on the talks, or to get the slides onc...

From: Charlie Arehart - Server Troubleshooting