My Books are Updated for Angular 17

Angular 17 is out; and the Learn With Series is updated.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do I run Angular Unit Tests in IntelliJ?

I've been working on a new Angular 16 project, and tried to run tests through IntelliJ only to discover that IntelliJ couldn't find the config file.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do I Clone Objects in JavaScript?

I just discovered the structuredClone() method.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

My Grandma's Pickles

Someone asked, and typing in here is easier than typing into Facebook so here is my Grandma's Kosher Dill Pickle Recipe: Ingredients: 25-30 Cucumbers 1/8 tsp of powered alum (per quart) 1 clove of garlic (per quart) 2 heads of dill (per quart) 1 hot red pepper or 1/8 tsp of crushed red pepper (for...

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Styling Ionic Components in Angular with CSS Parts

I've been playing around with Ionic and Angular, and thought I'd share some experiences I had while trying to apply custom styles to Ionic Components. This video experiments with using CSS Parts to apply custom styles:

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Styling Ionic Components in Angular with CSS Variables

I've been playing around with Ionic and Angular, and thought I'd share some experiences I had while trying to apply custom styles to Ionic Components. This one experiments with using CSS Variables to apply the styles:

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Upgrade from Angular 15 to Angular 16!

In this video, I step through the process of upgrading the Learn With application from Angular 15 to Angular 16.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do I setup the Windows Terminal?

I use the Windows Terminal a lot for work when dealing with lots of microservices, or libs, but never set it up on my personal writing / dev machine. I thought I'd screencast the setup, discuss how I use it, and talk about some configurable settings:

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Learn With Code Samples Updated

I just updated the Learn With code Repository with all the code samples for my Angular 13, 14, and 15 book updates. Go Get The Updated Code Go Get The Latest Books Thanks everyone for the continued support of my writing endeavors.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Upgrade Angular and NG Material to version 15

I threw together this screencast about upgrading Angular from version 11 to version 15. My sample went way easier than our real app, but I cover some of the main issues we had especially around styling.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

What is a Typical Day for a Manager?

I was buried deep in some side thread in an on-line forum, and someone asked me what a typical day was like for me.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! I started writing this after my first day at work in 2023, and have been tweaking it for the past week.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

@angular/Localize already installed, but ng bootstrap says it needs it

While updating Learn With Series for Angular 15 I can across an odd issue.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog