How Do I Name a Unit Test?

{ describe('methodName()', () => { }) }) All my tests for this method go in the method name describe block.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How to change the return value of a Spy in Jasmine?

{ myValueSpy.and.returnValue({ prop1: 'x', prop2: 'a' }); // rest of the test ) }); Tada! That's what I needed.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

React Tic Tac To Expansion: Display Move Location

This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to display the coordinates of the move in the history list. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

React Tic Tac To Expansion: Winning Square Highlights

This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to highlight the winning squares, or tell the user that the game ends in a draw. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

React Tic Tac To Expansion: Toggle History Direction

This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

React Tic Tac To Expansion: How do I create a Board Loop?

This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to dynamically create the game board. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

React Tic Tac To Expansion: You are at X Move

This video expands the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial to make the current move a text display instead of a button. View the Video Check out the source code from this sample in my GitHub

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do tell GIT not to change the line endings in a File?

A bit earlier I wrote about creating a Docker Image and it trying to interpret the line endings as a command to run inside the docker image.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do I fix Failed to solve: Canceled: context canceled When Building a Docker Image?

I am setting up a new work computer, and ran into an issue building a Docker Image.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

$'\r': command not found when building a Docker Image

I ran into this problem while building a Docker Image: $'\r': command not found As part of this docker image, a script was run, and the error came from running that script.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

My Books are Updated for Angular 17

Angular 17 is out; and the Learn With Series is updated.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do I Access a Service Provider in a Route Guard in Angular?

{ return true; }; That was new to me, and I'm not sure if this was added to Angular 16 or 17.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog

How do I run Angular Unit Tests in IntelliJ?

I've been working on a new Angular 16 project, and tried to run tests through IntelliJ only to discover that IntelliJ couldn't find the config file.

From: Jeffry Houser's Blog