Easily Implement UUIDs as Primary Keys in Spring Boot 3

In this tutorial you will learn how to use one of the new features in Jakarta EE 10 in a Spring Boot 3 application.

From: Dan Vega

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year! I want to take a few minutes and talk about a few of my priorities as we head into the new year.

From: Dan Vega

2022 Reflections

In this article I am going to spend some time reflecting because I believe it's a good reminder of the good and the bad as I began to set some goals for next year.

From: Dan Vega

Calva, Joyride, and Portal

An updated version of this post describes my latest Calva, Joyride, and Portal setup.

From: Sean Corfield: An Architect's View

Spring Response Entity - How to customize the response in Spring Boot

In this tutorial, you will learn what the ResponseEntity class is and how it can be used to customize the response in your Spring Boot application.

From: Dan Vega

Learning “AWS Backup” Restorations for On-Prem VMWare VMs

CF Webtools has maintained VMWare ESXi guest OS instances, managed by vCenter, for about 7 years.

From: Chris Tierney

What I have been working on: Modal

Long story short: I'm working on a super cool tool called Modal. Please check it out — it lets you run things in the cloud without having to think about infrastructure. Scaling out, scheduling, containerization, using GPUs, setting up webhooks, and all kinds of other stuff.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

deps.edn and monorepos X (Polylith)

This is part of an ongoing series of blog posts about our ever-evolving use of the Clojure CLI, deps.edn, and Polylith, with our monorepo at World Singles Networks.

From: Sean Corfield: An Architect's View

AWS Lambda SnapStart for Spring Developers

AWS Lambda SnapStart is a new performance optimization developed by AWS that can significantly improve the startup time for your applications.

From: Dan Vega

Improving Lucee's QoQ Support Again- now 200% faster

Two years ago, I published this post detailing how I had refactored the Query of Query support in Lucee to be much better and also much faster: https://www.

From: Coders Revolution

What's new in Spring Security 6

In this article we will discuss the new features of Spring Security 6 and create a new Spring Boot 3 project together.

From: Dan Vega

Building AWS Lambda Functions with Java: An Introduction to the AWS Lambda Core Java Library

In this tutorial you will learn how to build AWS Lambda functions with Java using the AWS Lambda Core Java Library.

From: Dan Vega

On ColdFusion, XXE, and other XML Attacks

An IntroductionThis is the first of what may become a few blog posts based on my CFSummit 2022 talk.

From: Hoya Haxa - A Security Research Blog

AWS Lambda Java: How to create your first AWS Lambda Function in Java

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a simple AWS Lambda function using Java.

From: Dan Vega

deps.edn and monorepos IX (Polylith)

This is part of an ongoing series of blog posts about our ever-evolving use of the Clojure CLI, deps.edn, and Polylith, with our monorepo at World Singles Networks.

From: Sean Corfield: An Architect's View

Social Media Revisited

About a year ago I posted that I had deleted both my Twitter and Facebook accounts.

From: Sean Corfield: An Architect's View

We are still early with the cloud: why software development is overdue for a change

This is is in many respects a successor to a blog post I wrote last year about what I want from software infrastructure, but the ideas morphed in my head into something sort of wider.

From: Erik Bernhardsson

Rerunnable data update scripts for Microsoft SQL Server

We can implement a SQL Server equivalent of MySQL/MariaDB's "INSERT IGNORE" using MERGE INTO as follows...

From: Steve Neiland: Blog of a Web Developer

Adding validation drop-downs to your spreadsheets with CFML

The Spreadsheet CFML library now supports adding validation drop-downs to cells programmatically.

From: cfSimplicity

Rerunnable Data Update Scripts for MySQL/MariaDB

Using the INSERT IGNORE statement you can easily manage reference table's data using re-runnable sql scripts.

From: Steve Neiland: Blog of a Web Developer

Slides from ColdFusion Summit 2022 - "Below the Surface: Web Vulnerabilities Hiding in your Applications"

Photo credit: @coldfumonkehI attended my first CFSummit, where I talked about a handful of web vulnerability classes (SSRF, Session Puzzles, Cryptography flaws, and XML attacks) that might be overlooked by some ColdFusion/CFML developers.

From: Hoya Haxa - A Security Research Blog

Spring Boot REST API Domain Class Converter

In this tutorial, you will learn about a class called the Domain Class Converter in Spring Data. This class will allow you to take arbitrary input like an id from a path variable in a REST API and automatically create a domain object by using Spring Data's CrudRepository.

From: Dan Vega